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Thanks to a newly written steam post, all the weapon variants in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare have been made public. Everyone knows how difficult it is to get good weapon variants with the newly introduced Supply Drop (and the need to pray to RNGesus). Each variant affects a different area of the gun: Damage, Accurary, Fire Rate, Range, Handling, and Mobility.

Thanks to Dritf0rs indepth videos, his testing seems to indicate that Fire Rate>Damage>Accuracy>Range , listed from most important to least important. Handling and Mobility are practically useless because their benefits are too small to actually note.

We have made this list to inform you what weapon variants to keep and what ones you can get rid off. Click the jump below for the full list:

1) Obsidian Steed - [Elite] (Damage +2, Mobility +1, Accuracy -1, Fire Rate -1, Handling -1)

  • Good if you want to sacrifice +2 damage for -1 Fire Rate 

2) Inferno [Elite] - (Handling +2, Fire Rate +1, Mobility -3)
3) .308 - [Professional] (Range +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -1)
4) Tactical - [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)
5) Carbon - [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1)


1) R.I.P. - [Elite] (Accuracy +2, Damage +1, Magazine Capacity -8 rounds, Mobility -1)
2) Feeder - [Professional] (Magazine Capacity +3 rounds, Reserve Magazines +1, Handling -2)
3) Grenadier [Enlisted] (Integrated Grenade Launcher, Handling +1, Ghosts style rear iron sight, alternate front sight)

4) Hair Trigger - [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)


1) Hole Puncher [Professional] (Damage +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -1)
2) Tactical [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)
3) Superlite [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility -1)
4) Heavy Barrel [Enlisted] (Range +1, Accuracy -1)


1) Insanity [Elite] (Fire Rate +2, Damage +1, Handling -1, no optical attachments)
2) Raider [Professional] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility +1, Accuracy -1, Magazine Capacity -4 rounds)
3) Average Joe [Marksman (300 kills)] (Damage +1, Range +1, Handling -2)

1) Boar Strike [Elite] (Range +2, Damage +1, Accuracy -2, Fire Rate -1)
2) Hunter [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)
3) Feedback [Marksman (300 kills)] (Fire Rate +2, Accuracy -1, Range -1)

1) Eclipse [Elite] (Accuracy +2, Damage +1, Fire Rate -1, Handling -2)
2) Desecrator [Professional] (Fire Rate +2, Mobility -2)
3) Hardtip [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Handling -1)
4) Signature [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Reserve Magazines -1)
5) Sheriff [Marksman (300 kills)] (Accuracy +2, Handling -2)


1) Breakneck [Elite] (Fire Rate +3, Accuracy -1; can't use rapid fire, extended mags, dual mags, stock, or quickdraw grip)
2) Genuine [Professional] (Accuracy +1, Damage +1, Range -1, no optical attachments)
3) Endless [Professional] (Range +1, Mobility +1, Magazine Capacity -10 rounds)
4) Sporter [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)


1) Goliath [Elite] (Damage +3, Handling -3)
2) Squeaker [Elite] (Integrated Red Dot Sight, Fire Rate +2, Accuracy -2)
3) Savior [Professional] (Integrated Laser Sight, Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)
4) Airborne [Enlisted] (Accuracy +1, Handling -1)


1) Strider [Elite] (Range +2, Damage +1, Accuracy -3)
2) Rigor [Professional] (Accuracy +2, Handling -2)
3) Reckless [Professional] (Integrated Rapid Fire, Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)
4) Magnitude [Marksman (300 kills)] (Range +2, Handling -1, Mobility -1)

1) Money [Elite] (Accuracy +1, Range +1, Reserve Magazines +1, Handling -1, Mobility -2)
2) The Third [Elite] (Range +2, Damage +1, Mobility -3)
3) Hammer [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Magazine Capacity -4 rounds)
4) Precision [Enlisted] (Range +1, Mobility -1)
5) Magistrate [Marksman (300 kills)] (Accuracy +1, Range +1, Handling -1, Mobility -1)

1) Blood & Glory - [Elite] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -2)
2) Misery & Company - [Professional] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility +1, Handling -1, Magazine Capacity -4 rounds)
3) Sporter - [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1) (White Base Camo)

4) S - [Enlisted] (Accuracy +1, Magazine Capacity -4 rounds)
5) Rapid - [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility -1)


The AMR9 has no useful variants :(

1) Improved Action [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)

1) Tumbler [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1)
2) Long Rifle [Enlisted] (Accuracy +1, Handling -1)
3) Quick Bolt [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility -1)
4) Lullaby (Integrated Ballistic CPU, Handling +1, Accuracy -1)

1) Hurried [Professional] (Fire Rate +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -1)
2) HE [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1)
3) M [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)

Atlas 20mm
1) Snapper [Elite] (Fire Rate +2; Magazine Capacity +1; Accuracy -3)
2) Presto [Professional] (Fire Rate +2; Magazine Capacity -1; Reserve Magazines -1)
3) Carnage [Professional] (Damage +1; Accuracy +1; Magazine Capacity -1)
4) Hypersonic [Professional] (Fire Rate +2; Handling -2)
5) Interrupt [Enlisted] (Accuracy +1; Mobility -1)
6) Improved Action [Enlisted] (Magazine Capacity +1; Handling -1)

1)Sledgehammer [Elite] (Accuracy +2, Magazine Capacity +1, Handling -1, Mobility -1)
2) Round House [Professional] (Fire Rate +1, Range +1, Handling -1, Mobility -1)
3) Haymaker [Professional] (Integrated Red Dot Sight, Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)
4) Lite Trigger [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Mobility -1)


1) Whirlwind [Elite] (Fire Rate +2, Magazine Capacity +2, Accuracy -2, Handling -1)
2) Galant [Professional] (Reserve Magazines +2, Handling -2)
3) Quiet Time [Professional] (Integrated Suppressor, Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)
4) Compliant [Enlisted] (Magazine Capacity +2, Handling -1)
5) U [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)
6) Precision (Range +1, Mobility -1)
7) Vengeance (Integrated Foregrip, Accuracy +1, Handling -1)


1) Mancy [Elite] (Integrated Target Enhancer, Accuracy +1)
2) Face Hammer [Elite] (Accuracy +2, Damage +1, Handling -1, no optical attachments)
3) Berzerker [Professional] (Damage +1, Handling +1, Magazine Capacity -2, Reserve Magazines -1)

1) Polar Vortex - [Elite] (Handling +2, Fire Rate +1, Mobility -3) (Green Beam)
2) The End - [Professional] (Range +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -1) (Yellow Beam)
3) Magnified -  [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1) (Blue Beam)
4) LEL - [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1) (Blue Beam)
5) Dimension - [Enlisted] (Mobility +1) (Blue Beam)


1) Loophole [Elite] (Magazine Capacity +50 bullets, Accuracy +1, Handling -3)
2) Magnified [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)
3) Hasty [Marksman (300 kills)] (Fire Rate +1, Ammo Capacity +1, Accuracy -2)

1) Beer & Pretzels [Professional] (Range +2, Magazine Capacity -1, Reserve Magazines -1)
2) Yin & Yang [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)
3) Meat and Potatoes [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1)
4) Chicken and Waffles [Marksman (300 kills)] (Fire Rate +2, Accuracy -1, Handling -1)


1) Parsec [Elite] (Range +3, can't use certain attachments)
2) Panorama [Professional] (Integrated Heat Sink, Range +1, Accuracy -1)

3) Magnified [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)

1) Chicanery [Elite] (Integrated Advanced Rifling, Fire Rate +2, Magazine Capacity -50 bullets)
2) Spacer [Professional] (Fire Rate +1, Range +1, Handling -1, Accuracy -1)
3) Subverter [Professional] (Damage +2, Magazine Capacity -50 bullets)
4) Magnified [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)
5) Heavy [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Handling -1)

Atlas 45
1) Woo [Professional] (Integrated Akimbo, Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1, Magazine Capacity -1, no optical attachments)


1) Rail Driver [Elite] (Damage +3, Accuracy -3)
2) Guardian [Professional] (Integrated Scope, Accuracy +1, Handling -1)
3) Tempest [Enlisted] (Damage +1, Accuracy -1)
4) Typhoon [Enlisted] (Accuracy +1, Handling -1)

MP-443 Grach
1) Sighted [Professional] (Integrated Laser Sight, Accuracy +1, Handling -1)
2) Snappy [Professional] (Integrated Akimbo, Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)
3) Dimension [Enlisted] (Range +1, Handling -1)
4) Latitude [Enlisted] (Range +1, Accuracy -1)

1) Dead Eye [Professional] (Integrated Red Dot Sight, Accuracy +1, Handling -1)
2) CQB [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Accuracy -1)
3) Compact [Enlisted] (Fire Rate +1, Handling -1)
4) Condensed [Marksman (300 kills)] (Fire Rate +2, Handling -2)

After the struggle of endlessly opening supply drops, it's always good to know which weapons to keep and which ones to send to the bin.

As a tip from me to you: sell them for xp when you prestige to instantly level up. Heres a video made by myself showing you an easy, but often overlooked tip. Some last notes are that Special weapons and Launchers stats are not affected by Variants, and only changes the color and camo of the weapon.

If I missed a variant on this list, or have any suggestions for variants that you think are good, contact me and I will make sure to add it to the list!


[Video via ImPureRespawn]

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Good job :3

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